טקסט של - English

    • Please, correct everything even punctuation and little details

    • What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?
  • Give reasons and examples to explain your answer.
    • Modern world demands many things from people for being up-to-date: motivation, style, taste, easy-goingness, education, good manners etc. At the same time, in almost all professions one should know not only his or her occupation but also something from IT, skills of public speaking, writing, knowledge of foreign languages.
    • Moreover – one should fluently speak about politics, economics, classic literature and sometimes about music and art.
    • To my mind if one knows more than one foreign language he or she has a very nice start-up in his or her life.
    • In today grobalized world it’s very easy to go to foreign country, to have colleagues abroad or even to have work abroad.
    • But knowledge of language helps not only to have a nice career but also to be more broad-minded person.
    • One can know information which has not been translated to his or her language, for instance.
    • Or just to communicate with people from other countries and to learn the world deeper and from many sides.
    • So if one wants to be up-to-date and feel comfort and more possibilities in his or her life he should learn some language.
    • Because, quoting the classic, the more language we know the more time we individuals are.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English