Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ vaness182 - English

  • February 5th

  • Today is Tuesday. February 5th.
    • Today I'm ill, when Xiomy came, she said me: "why we will do something, draw, crafts, or play on the pc, or go to the park ", I like it, but I know who she would rather do skate.
    • Today, she is putting a smile on my face 'cause she wore a clown costume and red nose from clown.
  • Today she changed her style 'cause today is a kids party and we want costume ourself.
    • I want to costume myself as fairy.
    • Yesterday I converted to cupid 'cause I help a boy with a girl from my class, he is fearful.
  • Also, I felt sad 'cause all girls and guys were care her babies.
  • Just didn't gave the baby dolls to us (Xiomy and I) 'cause we are two girls.
  • Changing the topic, Now I'm search to find the help to my math classes or French class and English classes.
  • After, I'll think what I do for my girl on Valentine's Day, there are 9 days left until that day, and I'm going to give her a big surprise.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English