
Text from tore01 - English

  • TEXT#03

    • What I can say about war.
  • I think I'm a realist at heart.
    • Our peace live without war only 60 years.
    • Each country have their interests.
    • Someone have small, they want tranquility and just live well.
    • Someone have a big interest they want more power in the world and that all were afraid of them.
  • I think fight will be constant. maybe if we will have only onle country in the world we will good live)) Now we have decentralization.
  • America now uses very aggressive sanctions.
  • And soon Russian will not sell her oil for dollars.
  • Then world economy will explodes.
  • And again, the world will change greatly.
  • It is sounds terrible that you started work from 14 years.
  • I read that in USA students often pay themselves their studies in university.
  • Students take a credit for it.
  • And that you have very few grants...
  • In my country I can say that we may easy to win a grant.