
Tekst van MadinaS - English

  • Technology and environment

  • People are gradually becoming aware of the fact that the planet is being destroyed terribly and we have to prevent this damage.
  • The fact is that ecological problems are a result of people’s life-style, technological development, satisfaction of all needs and therefore we should refuse these pleasures.
  • Otherwise the ravage of the Earth is on such a high level, that humans will not be able to solve the problems without modern technologies.
  • Eventually to save our world we should make our actions less dangerous for the nature and also use some inventions.
  • Firstly, because of awful influence on environment of society’s existence, people should change the way they live.
  • Each of us must be eco-friendly and realize that all things which a person does produce pollution or extinction of species.
  • To illustrate, let’s see what happens when someone has thrown away a battery.
  • It reverses the chemical composition of the soil and this does a lot of harm to plants, animals and then to people.
  • For this reason small steps of all people added together can make a real difference to the world.
  • The environmental problems might be solved by economizing water, paper, not buying harmful products, using less private transport.
    • In fact, there are so many factories that produce things people really don’t need.
  • It is great to stop the industry of them, furthermore the less factories are working the better for the nature.
  • Despite the damage of technologies, it can be used for help to the environment.
  • Inventions might prevent the pollution, for instance, people can clean atmosphere or rivers from rubbish.
  • There are several organizations in the world which care about plants and animals with the help of innovative methods.
  • In addition, one of disadvantages of industry is waste.
  • There is no solution to this problem except recycling scheme, which actually not only reduces rubbish but also makes it possible to use it many times.
  • In conclusion, from my point of view the best way to save the Earth is to combine both ideas of using technologies and at the same time closing the factories which do not produce essential for life products and changing the habits of people.