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  • The beach of "ventana"

    • The beach I' going to write is called "Ventanas".
    • The beach are very important in some aspects, considering that allow temper the climate; in adittion the beach allow have a habitants of near place take out economics profit.
  • The beach of Ventanas is located a 8 kms of "Puchuncaví", 35 kms of "Viña del Mar" and 159 kms of "Santiago".
  • The beach of "Ventanas" have a extensive beach and a little bay, it consist of 3 beach's: "Playa Ventanas, Los Lunes y parte de la playa El Bato." I go there not every year, because a ecomics matter, but when i can go, i enjoy so much.
  • I go to the "Ventana" because i have friends and familiy living there.
  • I like the beach of "Ventana" because is so wonderfull and the beach is ideal for walk and do sports.
  • This beach is called in this way, because the hole produced for the wind and the sea in the waterline rocks, formation that simulate a Window.
  • In february is celebrated the lovers day in the "Paseo de los quitasoles", besides you can enjoy the delicious food of the place and the cultural activities.