
Text from ivan20 - English

  • The best teacher ever.

    • When I was seven years old and for three years I had an extraordinary teacher.
  • Those years were the best years of my life as a student.
  • That teacher had all the qualities of a good teacher.
  • She could keep the class under control without raising her voice.
    • She was very serious and treated you as an adult, or if not like an adult at least like someone you have to treat with respect and listen to.
  • You got that positive energy from her just seeing her walking into the class.
    • Then silence, nobody moved from that moment, it was time to work; everybody knew that and everybody did it.
  • She could also motivate you like nobody else.
    • You would feel so proud after she would have praised you in front of everyone else than once at home you could not do anything else except work even harder.
    • Harder because you felt she was sometimes exaggerating, that you were not that good, but she made you feel so good that you wanted to live up to her expectations.
    • She was magical as well, because she made me love studying jus for the purpose of learning not being worried about the results in the exams.
    • Of course, if you’re motivated you study hard and then you get high marks in your exams.
    • Once I left her class that desire of learning disappear little by little.
    • Since then studying has become a work, something you must do you like or not.
    • Of course, I’ve never been brilliant as a student ever again.