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Văn bản từ danatas - English

  • Hamburger

  • The hamburger is considered to be the most eaten food in the world.
  • The first hamburgers are known to have been made and sold in Connecticut by chef Louis Lassen .
  • Louis called them hamburgers because the recipe have been already proved to have been given him by sailors from Hamburg.
  • Hamburgers are claimed to have became a favourite in America in the early part of the twentieth century. their popularity is found to have grown more after the World War II then they Were bought by teenagers who prefered Last to family meals.

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    • Louis called them hamburgers because the recipe have been already proved to have been given him by sailors from Hamburg.
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    • Hamburgers are claimed to have became a favourite in America in the early part of the twentieth century. their popularity is found to have grown more after the World War II then they Were bought by teenagers who prefered Last to family meals.
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