Gandziarからのテキスト - English

  • Just a few words about a game

    • Recently I played in awesome computer game name Assassins Creed.
    • This game is about a war beetwen the Templars and the Assassins and trought the machine called the Animus a main hero Desmond Miles can back became one of his ancestors.
    • In first part of this game he becames the Altair an assassin who is just doing commends from his master Al-Mualim.
    • Both sides try to find a piece of Eden an apple which is indeed remarkable, it has a knowledge about future and another mistical things.
    • Oh, i forgot to say that the action is in 12th century.
    • Thought the game Altair or rather Desmond in Altair's skin killed a lot of enemy troops in many spectacular ways.
    • With hiding blades (which are complately marvelous) he can kill everyone, besides the blades he has also cool sword, throwing knives and awesome armor.
    • At the end of the game unfortunally he has to kill his own master becouse he thinhs that the apple possessed him. It's shame.
    • That is just a short story about this game, if someone played on it know that a story is very expanded, and with clean conscience i can recommened it to all of you.
    • I hope that I wasn't made a lot of mistakes.

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