Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ SoLL - English

  • my communication ways

    • I don't like use electronic devices to talk to people.
    • I prefer live meetings because you can attend more time to person or group of people than via mobile phone and emotions touch each other directly.I use mobile phone rather seldom.
    • Only to get some additional information about current situation.
  • My e-mail is used for business letters.
  • When I talk to someone in English I have some difficulties.
    • I think and speak Russian very complex and I try to translate my thoughts to English but the cause of complexity impressing thoughts my vocabulary isn't enough.
    • As result a moment becomes when I can't finish sentense and I have to parafrase all sentense and start from the beginning.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
  • câu 2
    • I prefer live meetings because you can attend more time to person or group of people than via mobile phone and emotions touch each other directly.I use mobile phone rather seldom.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I prefer live meetings because you can attspend more time to person or group of peoplewith people rather than via mobile phone and emotions touch each other directly. I rarely use a mobile phone rather seldom.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2
  • câu 3
  • câu 4
  • câu 5
  • câu 6
    • I think and speak Russian very complex and I try to translate my thoughts to English but the cause of complexity impressing thoughts my vocabulary isn't enough.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I think and speak Russian very complex Russian and I try to translate my thoughts in to English but the cause of complexity impressing thoughts my vocabulary isof my thoughts aren't enough.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 6
  • câu 7
    • As result a moment becomes when I can't finish sentense and I have to parafrase all sentense and start from the beginning.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • As a result a moment becomes when I can't finish the sentensce and I have to parafphrase all sentencese and start from the beginning.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 7