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Văn bản từ huamanhtuananh - English

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  • mung Bean Coated Coconut sweet Rice: Success to making this snack is when the rice is crumbly yet can hold together when you squeeze it ( think of pie or cheese cake crust) thus the name “ xoi vo “ as Xoi means cooked sweet rice and Vo mean to squeeze or rool.
  • To make this happen mung beans are used not to just add flavor and color bot to coat the rice making it crumbly and less sticky.
  • Be warned this snack is not easy to make, but the taste is so worth the effort In gredients :150 g sweet rice 450g mung beans ( peeled and split) 100g sugar ½ tsp salt ½ can coconut milk( approx) What to do :wash rice and soak overnight in water with salt.
  • Wash mung beans and soak overnight separately.
  • Next morning boil beans in water, once the water boils drain as much of it as you can, return the pot of beans to the stove, cover it and simmer over medium heat until tender and fluffy( this takes some kitchen experience to do, if you’re a beginner it’ll be easier to just steam the bean instead).
  • Meanwhile , mix rice with coconut milk and steam over high heat until tender.
  • Once rice is tender, mix it with sugar and rest until cool enough to handle.
  • The beans should be cooked and cool enough to handle by the time the rice is cooking.
  • Mash the beans and form it into logs approx.
  • 3 inches indiameter.
  • Use a knife to slice the logs into thin slices.
  • “ Rub” the beans with the rice so that the bean coat the rice kernels.
  • You should get something that looks like the picture above.
  • If everything turns into a stick mess just let it sit and air dry for abit, the drier it becomes the crumblier it becomes.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
    • mung Bean Coated Coconut sweet Rice: Success to making this snack is when the rice is crumbly yet can hold together when you squeeze it ( think of pie or cheese cake crust) thus the name “ xoi vo “ as Xoi means cooked sweet rice and Vo mean to squeeze or rool.
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  • câu 2
    • To make this happen mung beans are used not to just add flavor and color bot to coat the rice making it crumbly and less sticky.
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  • câu 3
    • Be warned this snack is not easy to make, but the taste is so worth the effort In gredients :150 g sweet rice 450g mung beans ( peeled and split) 100g sugar ½ tsp salt ½ can coconut milk( approx) What to do :wash rice and soak overnight in water with salt.
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  • câu 5
    • Next morning boil beans in water, once the water boils drain as much of it as you can, return the pot of beans to the stove, cover it and simmer over medium heat until tender and fluffy( this takes some kitchen experience to do, if you’re a beginner it’ll be easier to just steam the bean instead).
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  • câu 14
    • If everything turns into a stick mess just let it sit and air dry for abit, the drier it becomes the crumblier it becomes.
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