Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Raffy_Patel - English

  • March 13

  • Hello, everyone!
    • Today's a particular hot day.
    • The internet linemen's van is parked outside.
  • They have been there for half an hour now.
    • I don't know what they're doing or waiting for to happen.
    • Maybe they're checking how long a wire they're gonna need, but one thing's for sure, I'm gonna have a reliable internet connection before the day ends.
    • You see, I'm only using an internet stick which I load daily with 50 pesos.
  • There are times when the internet would just be cut off or the connection will be as slow as the ripening of the santol fruits in our front yard.
  • Oh, wait, here they come.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English