
Teks daripada ev9eniy - English

    • Mini Essay: Where is Better to Live for Children’s Health?

    • Some people believe that for children is better to be in the country.
    • However, others think that there is no difference between where to live in a big city or in a rural area.
    • In this essay is going to have a discussion about the benefits of living outside the city and negative sides of a megalopolitan.
    • The most important disadvantage in living in a big city is pollution of air.
    • It is no doubt that in urban areas the air is polluted with gas of cars.
    • As a result, children are breathing the air that gets them sick.
    • Sometimes they are acquired chronic diseases like allergy, asthma and another lung problems.
    • The next serious problem of a big city is noises.
    • It is no one can argue that from time to time everyone can hear loud or annoying noises.
    • It could be an alarm of car, the government's car siren, a road building machine and neighbors which could start to renovate their flat.
    • However, a big city has important benefit it is infrastructure like as the central heating, water supply, cleaning service and so on.
    • On the other hand, advantage of the country side is clean air.
    • There are a small amount of cars and many forests.
    • Therefore, the health of children who were grown up in rural areas much better than in big cities.
    • However, the most important issue of the country is weak infrastructure.
    • For instance, there are usually problem with heating and water.
    • Sometimes people that live there should buy the necessary supplies to provide life with normal conditions.
    • It can be clear water or gas that they uses for cooking and heating.
    • To conclude, if compared rural with urban areas, it would become clear that clean air is very important for children's health.
    • Therefore, young people should spend as much time as they can outside huge cities.