
lailard'den mesaj - English

    • My opinion about Life for success

    • I think and my opinion, Working hard without science is the same empty, Got a science but it also can not use is the same lie, Do not have the science and do not want to work, so do not ever dream of success.
    • No matter how small the value of success, if I can enjoy it and feel it certainly will bring happiness and satisfaction, that's the true meaning of success over the years.
    • I am not afraid to be old, because of course will be aging. but I am afraid not become mature, because the attitude of maturity become the path of happiness and glory.
    • Success is like a shadow, increasingly pursued further away So, I will ignore it and I will to live life what I can, surely Success will following me.
    • The biggest mistake I did was if I rely my life with other people.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English

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  • cümle 1
    • I think and my opinion, Working hard without science is the same empty, Got a science but it also can not use is the same lie, Do not have the science and do not want to work, so do not ever dream of success.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • I think and my opinion, Wthat working hard without science is the same empty, Got a science but it also can not use is the same lie, Do not have theempty. It is a lie that I know science. I do not know science and do not want to work with it, so I do not ever dream of success.
    • ¶I think andIn my opinion, Wworking hard without science is the same empty, Got a science but it also cmeaningless. To know science and not to use is the same lie, Do not have thet is is not work. If you do not know/respect science and do not want to work, so do not then you can never dream of success. (See comment).
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 1YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 1
  • cümle 2
    • No matter how small the value of success, if I can enjoy it and feel it certainly will bring happiness and satisfaction, that's the true meaning of success over the years.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • No matter how small the value of my success, if I can enjoy it andI feel it will certainly will bring happiness and satisfaction, t. That's the true meaning of success over the years.
    • No matter how small the value of success, if I can enjoy it and feel itmy success may seem to others/ society, if I can enjoy it then I feel that it will certainly will bring me happiness and satisfaction, t. That's the true meaning of success over the years.
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 2YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 2
  • cümle 3
    • I am not afraid to be old, because of course will be aging. but I am afraid not become mature, because the attitude of maturity become the path of happiness and glory.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • I am not afraid to be old, because of course will be aging. but and I am not afraid notof becomeing mature, because the attitude of maturity becomeis the path of happiness and glory.
    • I am not afraid to begrow old, because of course will be aging. butwe all age. I am not afraid not become maturof wise, because the attitude of maturity becomeis the path of happiness and glory.
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 3YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 3
  • cümle 4
    • Success is like a shadow, increasingly pursued further away So, I will ignore it and I will to live life what I can, surely Success will following me.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Success is like a shadow, increasingly pursued further away So, I will ignore it and I will to live life with what I can, s. Surely Success will following me.
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 4YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 4
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