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  • Cooking surprise

    • A month ago, in a holiday season, i tried to bake a pumpkin pie for the first time.
    • In my country it is not a common meal.
    • Usually my "cooking adventures" turn out good but this time something went wrong.
    • I found the recipe on the internet and did not have all the ingredients but decided to bake it anyway.
    • I had flour, butter, eggs, sugar, salt, cranberries, pumpkin, milk, honey, rum and cinnamon.
    • I did not have a lemon and orange peel, ricotta cheese, brown sugar, vanilla and a nutmeg.
    • So instead of lemon and orange peel i put lemon juice, instead of ricotta cheese i put a plain cream cheese, instead of brown sugar i put white, and i did not find anything similar to vanilla and nutmeg.
    • My pie crust turn out just fine, and pumpkin filling was looking and tasting just fine also (to me).
    • We had guests that day, a couple with three year old boy.
    • No one from adults did not want to try my pie, so they gave a bit to a child.
    • He did not like the taste and made an ugly face wen he tried my pie.
    • Everyone started laughing, and every time they came over since that day and we offer a child some a cake of some kind he makes a frown face so we all laugh again.
    • It seems that the boy they remembers the "incident" with a pumpkin pie and his parents have to convince him that he is not going to get such surprise again.