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  • Thinking about volunteering

  • The other day I was talking to my girlfriend and she mentioned that she was volunteering in a Asylum for dogs.
    • I am also thinking of doing that for some time now.
  • I love animals, but in my town there is only one Asylum for dogs and it is not near my house.
  • Also, my Family is against me going there.
  • They say I will get bitten, or get some disease because the dogs do not live in very good conditions.
  • So I gave up from volunteering in Asylum for dogs, and that makes me feel sad.
  • Now I am thinking about volunteering in a home for children with special needs.
  • I think i could help the children by singing and playing guitar.
    • Music makes me very happy so I could make them happy also.
    • I am afraid dough because i do not know how to interact with people to well, so I could do or say something that would upset the children.
  • If only I could have someone in my life who would encourage me (or even join me) to do the good things that i aspire to.