
Tekst nga Mialee - English

  • Essay

    • New media is increasing influential because some reasons and I consider this trend benefits the massive despite its downwards.
    • It is important to read and watch news because the world is driven by technologies at an incredible pace.
    • People feel the need to keep in date through internet or via televisions.
    • For example, it is easier for a businessman to make an optimum investment after noticing the last policy of government and the information related to his field.
    • News media has an great effect on our opinions to the world, widening our horizon and even bringing us with new approaches to solve problems.
    • Knowing a wide variety of issues happened domestically and internationally, our mind may accept and adopt different mode of thinking and this means we are more likely to analysis issues in global prospective.
    • As a result, more reasonable choices would be made in our daily life, because we try to tackle problems in an innovational method.
    • Though it is regarded objective attitude as the key to news, we found sometimes news contains biased opinions, which would mislead our view to certain group.
    • For example, after the publishment of news that teachers forced students to participate in evening self-study in China, the public normally hold the opinion that high school’s teachers only care about scores and the admission rate.
    • The consequent is that people would develop and deepen that prejudice and unlikely to beat barriers.


  • Fjalia 1
    • New media is increasing influential because some reasons and I consider this trend benefits the massive despite its downwards.
      Votoni tani!
    • New media is increasing influential because its influence for some reasons and I consider this trend benefitscial to the massives despite its downwards spiral.
    • New media is increasingly influential becausefor some reasons and I consider this trend benefits the massives despite its downwardsside.
    • News media is increasingly influential becausedue to some reasons, and I consider this trend benefitsing the massivjority of people despite its downwards spiral.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1
  • Fjalia 2
  • Fjalia 3
  • Fjalia 4
    • For example, it is easier for a businessman to make an optimum investment after noticing the last policy of government and the information related to his field.
      Votoni tani!
    • For example, it is easier for a businessman to make an optimum investment after noticing the last policy of government and thehaving the most recent information related toin his field.
    • For example, it is easier for a businessman to make an optimum investment after noticing the latest policy of government policies and the information related to his field.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4
  • Fjalia 5
    • News media has an great effect on our opinions to the world, widening our horizon and even bringing us with new approaches to solve problems.
      Votoni tani!
    • NewsThe media has an great effect on our opinions abouto the world,. It widenings our horizon and even bringingprovides us with new approaches tosolutions for solveing problems.
    • News media has an great effect ons our opinions tof the world, widenings our horizons, and even bringings us with new approaches tofor solveing problems.
    • News media has an great effect on our opinions abouto the world, by widening our horizon, and even bringing us with new approaches to solve problems.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 5SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 5
  • Fjalia 6
    • Knowing a wide variety of issues happened domestically and internationally, our mind may accept and adopt different mode of thinking and this means we are more likely to analysis issues in global prospective.
      Votoni tani!
    • Knowing a wide variety of issues, happeneding both domestically and internationally, allows our mind mays to accept and adopt different modes of thinking, and this means we are more likely to analysise issues inwith global prospective.
    • KBy knowing a wide variety of issues that happeneds domestically and internationally, our mind may accept and adopt a different mode of thinking and this, meansing we are more likely to analysise issues in a global prospective.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6
  • Fjalia 7
    • As a result, more reasonable choices would be made in our daily life, because we try to tackle problems in an innovational method.
      Votoni tani!
    • As a result, we make more reasonable choices would be made in our daily life, because we tryuse innovation to tackle our problems in an innovational method.
    • As a result, more reasonable choices wouldcan be made in our daily lifeves, because we try to tackle problems in an innovational methodve way.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7
  • Fjalia 8
    • Though it is regarded objective attitude as the key to news, we found sometimes news contains biased opinions, which would mislead our view to certain group.
      Votoni tani!
    • Though it is regardedan objective attitude is regarded as the key to news, we found sometimes that the news contains biased opinions, which would mislead our view to certain groups.
    • TAlthough it is regardedthe key to news is regarded as demonstrating an objective attitude as, in the key to news, wpast we have found news sometimes news containsing biased opinformations, which would misleads our view to certain groups.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 8SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 8
  • Fjalia 9
    • For example, after the publishment of news that teachers forced students to participate in evening self-study in China, the public normally hold the opinion that high school’s teachers only care about scores and the admission rate.
      Votoni tani!
    • For example, after the publishmentcation of news that teachers forcedin China were forcing their students to participate in evening self-study in Chinatudy, the public normally holdeveloped the opinion that high school’s teachers only care about test scores and the admission rate.
    • For example, after the publishment of newsnews has been published, informing the public that teachers had forced students to participate in an evening self-study session in China, the public would normally hold the opinionview that high school’s teachers only care about scores and the admission rates.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 9SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 9
  • Fjalia 10