
Text from KAROLINA33 - English

  • Nice encounter

  • Yesterday i went to visit my parents.
    • I was feeling little tired, but althogether ok.
    • My mother was not at home so i did not stay long.
    • As I was leaving something wonderful happened.
    • I was looking in my pocket to find the keys wen i heard something moving near me.
  • I looked to where the sound was coming from and was pleasantly surprised.
  • There were two puppies looking at me.
  • They looked like they are nervous, as if they would like to come closer to me, to meet me, but they are not sure if it is safe to get closer.
  • Both of them were black, and one of them had brawn paws.
  • I crouched down and held out my hand.
  • The one that was a little bit bigger and braver was making small steps towards me, and i was encouraging him by saying: " Come on puppy!, Do not be afraid." For a few seconds he was moving "one step forward, two steps back", but than he came to me, and his friend followed.
    • In no time they were jumping around me an on me.
  • I stroked them and it felt so good to feel their energy, their soft coat under my fingers,and to have their attention.
  • I was so happy!
  • We played a while and then hey were back on their way.
  • It is amazing how a few minutes with those dogs changed me in to a better, more positive person.