
Pesan dari LanaAleks - English

  • About Moscow

    • Life is so sort, so the time what remains for myself I want to spend on the thing which I like, and I like to travel, see the world, meet new people.
    • When they hear that I'm from Moscow, people ask how to live simple Muscovites and what interesting places they can see in my city?
    • And it is true, but what do I recommend?
    • My city has changed so much in recent years that sometimes when I arriving somewhere I do not recognize familiar places.
    • And I decided to dedicate a few hours in week for city where i was born, where I live and which i love very much that I can know which Moscow is now.
    • February 1 a new year begins, Horse comes into its own.
    • So why not try to ride it and do not rush to get acquainted with your favorite city?
    • Decided, 2014 year I devote to Moscow, I want to walk on favorite places and meet news that to talk about how we live in Moscow, because sometimes reading what is written in foreign guidebooks can not understand - who invented it?
  • And so, Moscow Life which it is.