
Text from Selfish - English

  • Essay

    • There have always been a number of people considering that rewarding their children with extra pocket money is one of the best ways to keep them studying hard.
    • But is it true or are they just not able to see the reverse side of the issue?
    • As far as I am concerned, I believe that such a common method can bring young generations a lot of harm.
    • First of all, it may reflect on child’s behaviour and train of thought.
  • The student is likely to start thinking that he must be rewarded for whatever he does, and hence, it will make him quite mingy, greedy and mercenary.
    • What makes it worse is that, apart from that, it may mislead your children so that they cannot see the veritable purpose of their education.
    • They should comprehend that the major aim of theirs is not getting their parents’ money, but being able to gain their own one.
    • Therefore, such encouragements hinder your kids’ mind from the true conception of the matter.
    • However, there is another point of view.
    • They say that, by praising your child, it is easier to keep them under control and get from them what you want to.
    • Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that opinion since, to my mind, too much money can only corrupt a green mind and will certainly teach nothing worthy.
    • To conclude, I shall point that, according to the arguments above, it is clear: encouraging students by means of extra money is not the best way of educating, and a good parent will always find a better method while bringing his child up.


  • Título
  • Frase 1
    • There have always been a number of people considering that rewarding their children with extra pocket money is one of the best ways to keep them studying hard.
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    • There haves always been a number of people considering that rewarding their children with extra pocket money is one of the best ways to keep them studying hard.
    • There haves always been a number of people who considering that rewarding their children with extra pocket money is one of the best ways to keep them studying hard.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1
  • Frase 2
  • Frase 3
  • Frase 4
  • Frase 5
    • The student is likely to start thinking that he must be rewarded for whatever he does, and hence, it will make him quite mingy, greedy and mercenary.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • What makes it worse is that, apart from that, it may mislead your children so that they cannot see the veritable purpose of their education.
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    • What makes it worse is that, apart from that, it may mislead your children so that they can not see the veritable purpose of their education.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6
  • Frase 7
    • They should comprehend that the major aim of theirs is not getting their parents’ money, but being able to gain their own one.
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    • They should comprehend that the major aim of theirs is not getting their parents' money, but instead being able to gain their own one.
    • They should comprehend that the major aim of theirs is not getting their parents’ money, but being able to gain their own one.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7
  • Frase 8
  • Frase 9
  • Frase 10
  • Frase 11
    • Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that opinion since, to my mind, too much money can only corrupt a green mind and will certainly teach nothing worthy.
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    • Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that opinion since, to my mind,as I believe too much money can only corrupt a green mind, and will certainly teach nothing worthy.
    • Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that opinion, since, to my mind, too much money can only corrupt a green mind and will certainly teach nothing worthy.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11
  • Frase 12
    • To conclude, I shall point that, according to the arguments above, it is clear: encouraging students by means of extra money is not the best way of educating, and a good parent will always find a better method while bringing his child up.
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    • ToIn conclude, I shall point thatsion, according to the arguments above, I shall point out it is clear: that encouraging students by means of extra money is not the best way of educating, and a good parent will always find a better method while bringing hisraising their child up. ren.
    • To conclude, I shall point out that, according to the arguments above, it is clear: encouraging students by means of extra money is not the best way of educating, and a good parent will always find a better method while bringing his child up. ¶
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12