
Тэкст ад OlyaKelly - English

    • A film review :)

    • Pride and Prejudice(2005) is the wonderful film made by director Joe Wright with cooparation of France and England.
    • Film based on the fantastic novel by Jane Austen.
    • Movie was nominated for an Oscar and other competition like Golden Globes and BAFTA.
    • Watching this love story is really pleasant for long evening.
    • It's absolutely brilliant filming than other!
    • In the family of a nobleman Mr Bennett live five girls of marriageable age.
    • Kira Naightly plays the role one of these girls Elizabeth Bennett.
    • She tries to find love within the constrains and decency of society.
    • Once day she meets cold and conceited at first glance gentelmen, who owns estates Pemberly and Derbishir.
    • His name is Mr Darcy played by Mettiu Makfeiden.
    • Will they find common in each other?
    • Will they be together being so diffrent?
    • Or pride and prejudice will prevent them?
  • Great actors make the film memorable and sensual.
    • No wonder, the auditions for roles lasted for 8 months!
    • The highlight of the film is instrumental music.
    • To sum up, Pride and Prejudice is greatful film for sensual and romantic nature.
    • Famous actors and actresses won't get bored you and give you pleasant aftertaste after film. Don't miss it!
  • Thank you :)