
Text z mARINA123 - English

  • The last events

    • The people all over the world are observing the events that take place now in Ukraine.
    • We can see that on the Independence square in Kiev take place a rally and even we can say a real war because there are wounded people and even there are the first victims of these events.
  • At first people came out because they wanted to enter the European Union.
  • But now people are expressing their discontent of actions of the Riot police and our authorities.
  • They demand the resignation of the government.
    • And we can see that the discontents take place now not only in Kiev but almost all over the country.
    • I want to express my own opinian about these events.
  • I live in the Donetsk region, the most quiet region of Ukraine.
    • I don`t agree with actions of the protesters.
    • I understand that they want the better life.
  • Me too, I want to live in a prosperous country.
  • But they want the resignation of the government.
    • Me too, I`m not glad with our authorities, which don`t think about people but only how to make themselves richer.
    • But I can not see who can replace the current government.
    • On there place will come the same polititions, who will not think about people.By my opinian, the demands of the protesters should be others: to make the current authorities to work for simple people, to make them to remove their parliamentary immunity, to decrease the salary of the deputies and to increase the salary to working people.
    • I`m a mother and first of all I want a quiet life in our country.
    • I want that our children live in a peacefull country.
    • They say that a bad peace is better of a good war.
    • That`s why I consider that the bloodshed, the shooting and the enmity should not take place.
    • I hope that in the nearest future the situation in Ukraine will become better and more quiet and the life will be stable.