
نص من - English

  • January 16th

  • Today is Wednesday, January 16th.
    • Today I felt cold all day, when I woke up, I returned the call, 'cause Xiomy said me last night :"call me when you wake up".
    • When she picked up the cell phone, she said me: "good morning dear, today we accomplish another month, kiss", I still feel very very very happy.
    • When I saw her on the bus, she got on the bus, and sat beside me, and we started to talk over us, I gave a letter, but not a normal letter, a scrapbook ball, I did last night, when she saw it, she held me.
    • Later she said me: "your present I'll give you in the afternoon and night".
    • After school, she came at my home and we made muffins, after she gave me a bracelet with her name, my name, and hearts.
    • Now, we go to the hairdressing.
    • I want cut the hair, My hairdresser, has a blond hair, she is beautiful.
    • At night, I want that Xiomy stay with me.
    • This noon in the recess she said me: "you don't must have fear, I feel very good with you, you don't must feel fear, you get a little light that lightens my way" Everybody know that I love her, 'cause in my school separated us.
    • I feel fear for that, I don't know what think or do, I feel alone in my class, although my friends try to animate me, I feel sad.

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