
Tekst nga arcademaximus - English

  • a little bit of my english history

    • when i started study english , i was 7 years but i dont gave value , and the times go on , but when i was with 13 years i start the true study i opened my eyes and carry on, today i run against the time to recover the lose time and study more.


  • Title
  • Fjalia 1
    • when i started study english , i was 7 years but i dont gave value , and the times go on , but when i was with 13 years i start the true study i opened my eyes and carry on, today i run against the time to recover the lose time and study more.
      Votoni tani!
    • when i started study english , i was 7 years but i dont gave value , and the times go on , but when i was with 13 years i start the true study i opened my eyes and carryied on, today i run against the time to recover the lose time and study more.
    • wWhen iI started to study eEnglish , iI was 7 years old but iI dont gaveidn't value ,it and the times go on ,ime passed but when iI was with 13 years i start the true study iold, I started to study English for real. I opened my eyes and carry on, tkept going. Today i, I run against the time to recover the loset time and to study more.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1