
Tekst nga Nikuha - English

    • Why am I a vegetarian?

  • I haven't eaten meat since 2006.
    • Before this I used fasting about one time a year.
    • I did it to renew my organizm and after returned to my usual habit.
    • Finaly I understood that I don't need more to eat meat, fish and eggs.
    • It was a natural proccess, it was a free will for me.
    • I turned a vegetarian also because I practice yoga.
    • One of the most important principals of yoga is "ahimsa" that means no violence.
    • This principal tells not to eat animal corpse.
    • Animals have fear of death, so this brutal vibrations pass to people who eat them.
    • I have only one expection when I was pregnant.
    • I want to eat caviar and eggs very much, so I ate it.
    • Sometime I ate fish too.
    • After giving birth I return to vegetarian.
    • So I had a vegetarian breat feeding experiance for 2.5 years.
  • My husband and my daughter aren't vegetarian and love meat.
  • Sometimes I cook it for them.
    • It's their choise and I am not against.
    • If my daughter ask me about my meat refusion I tell her about the way of meat coming to her plate.