
text de la - English

  • Januaty 10th.

  • Today is Sunday, January 10th.
  • I have some purposes, like learn French, English, learn swimming, go to the University, create my company, and do more exercises (have a good body).
  • After to the accident I don't know why, but I can't remember anything, after the accident while I regain consciousness, I was seeing my daddy but I don't knew how was he?, After to go to the hospital, I woke up completely, I wake up with new ideas, new projects, but I must go at the University and study and win my university scholarship, only I have the university scholarship during my first semester.
  • I feel so proud because I'm the first from Faculty of Math.
  • Now, I come back of write after the holidays, but, maybe I combe back to holidays in the next weekend because, I couldn't enjoy to the maximum the oportunity.

Vă rog, ajutaţi la corectarea fiecărei propoziţii! - English

  • Title
  • propoziție 1
  • propoziție 2
    • I have some purposes, like learn French, English, learn swimming, go to the University, create my company, and do more exercises (have a good body).
      Votează acum!
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2
  • propoziție 3
    • After to the accident I don't know why, but I can't remember anything, after the accident while I regain consciousness, I was seeing my daddy but I don't knew how was he?, After to go to the hospital, I woke up completely, I wake up with new ideas, new projects, but I must go at the University and study and win my university scholarship, only I have the university scholarship during my first semester.
      Votează acum!
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 3ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 3
  • propoziție 4
  • propoziție 5
    • Now, I come back of write after the holidays, but, maybe I combe back to holidays in the next weekend because, I couldn't enjoy to the maximum the oportunity.
      Votează acum!
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 5ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 5