
Text from scorpione24r - English

  • Hello everybody

    • Hi All, this is me Ahmed,i live in Germany and i like very much life here, first time when i came here to Germany i found life was defficult while i dont speak German and have no Friends and i dont know how German people react, but by Time i found that in every where Man need time to know how everything are working , and i found that German People are not open with Others, and it is very diffecult to be Friend with German , i found that man need very long Time with german people to be Friend with, But they are polit ,active and puntual, they respect the appointments with Others , the Time for German People Like Diamond, They dont wast Thier Times and they are sportive People, they make Sport allways, but In Germany also you find Many People are not german they live in Germany since very long Time and they dont respect others and the also live in Germany with thier original culture, and the problem is they said allways that they are German !!!!


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  • Sentence 1
    • Hi All, this is me Ahmed,i live in Germany and i like very much life here, first time when i came here to Germany i found life was defficult while i dont speak German and have no Friends and i dont know how German people react, but by Time i found that in every where Man need time to know how everything are working , and i found that German People are not open with Others, and it is very diffecult to be Friend with German , i found that man need very long Time with german people to be Friend with, But they are polit ,active and puntual, they respect the appointments with Others , the Time for German People Like Diamond, They dont wast Thier Times and they are sportive People, they make Sport allways, but In Germany also you find Many People are not german they live in Germany since very long Time and they dont respect others and the also live in Germany with thier original culture, and the problem is they said allways that they are German !!!!
      Stem nou!
    • Hi All, this is me Ahmed,i live in Germany and i like very muchthis life in here very much.¶The first time when i came here to Germany i found life was dedifficult while i donidn't speak German and haved no Ffriends andlso i don't know how German people react, but by Timethe way i found that in every where Mamen need time to know how everything areis working , and i found that German People are not open with Oothers, and it is very diffeicult to be Ffriend with German , i found that man need very long Ttime with gGerman people to be Ffriend with them, Bbut they are polite ,active and punctual, they respect the appointments with Oothers , the Time for German People Like Diamond,. They don't wast Thietheir Ttimes and they are sportive People, they make Sport allwaysalways play sport, but Iin Germany you also you find Mmany Ppeople are not g, (who are) German, they've live in Germany since very long Ttime and they don't respect others and the also live in Germany with thieir original cultures, and the problem is that they said allways that they are German !!!!
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1