blacklady3からのテキスト - English

  • Letter to a tourist agency

    • Dear managers of Adventure Weekend I'm writing in connection with your offer to organize holiday for a group of people.
    • According to your advertisement I've described the features of my group below: - it consists of seven people aged from 23 to 28 years; there are five men in the group and two girls; - we are interested in spending 6-day weekend filled with light sport activities, e. g. walking or swimming.
    • But our group has already taken part in weekends organized in such ways and all we want to try something brand new and impressive; - people in the group have different level of fitness, but all of them are quite healthy and hardy (for instance, each of us can walk all day long with 15-kilos backpack).
  • I want to make clear some points in your offer: - first and foremost we want to find out - can you organize canoeing for our group?
  • - if so, what skills and experience are needed for this kind of activity?
  • - in your ad you mentioned that all we need to bring on holiday is special clothes.
    • If we are going to spend 6 days canoeing, what type of outfit should be brought?
    • - how much will cost such kind of trip and what exactly will be included in the proposition?
  • Will food be included?
    • Thank you in advance, I'm looking forward to your answer!
  • Best wishes, Alice Kuleshova

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English