CEVAPLA - Český jazyk

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🤔 How do you say "I don't understand" in Czech?

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Czech lessons: Free tips: How to use the Modal Verb (Can)Idiomatic ExpressionsPersonal PronounsGrocery Potraviny


Vcelka23 profile picture Vcelka23July 2023
Milste profile picture MilsteOctober 2023
Rozumět and chápat have a little bit different meaning. Rozumět - for example It’s the process of the conversation and your correctly ”hearing” and chápat is the process in the inside of your brain, that you are able recoding the idea, what are you receive in the first step of the communication (rozumět), sometimes the people ”rozumí” some idea, but they are ”nechápou” this idea.