Looking for a Cantonese translation!

29% GOOD (7 votes)

I am looking for the Cantonese translation of "follow your dream".  I thought it is "chi chung" Can anyone confirm or give me the right translation?


florawang profile picture florawangMay 2017

If you are indeed looking for a Cantonese translation for the phrase "follow your dreams", here comes the pretty accurate translation from a professional Cantonese linguist: "追尋你的夢想". 

Hope you will find this helpful. 

a_le profile picture a_leOctober 2010

Gràcies  joebetrunken, Jo no ho hauria explicat millor...

Thanks for your help!

joebetrunken profile picture joebetrunkenOctober 2009

  cantonese is in china

catalan is in europe(spain,italy,france---catalunya) it s a roman linguage and verrrrrryyyy different from cantonese