I can help with Bosnian

44% GOOD (9 votes)



For anyone who'd like to learn Bosnian I'm glad to help, maybe you can help me with your native language in return. 

Just send me a mail! :)


Addo profile picture AddoApril 2016
Hello, If anyone is interested in learning Bosnian or English I am there for you and I would like to learn German so please help me guys my mail is: AddoAddo profile picture
DaShA22DaShA profile picture DaShA22DaShAJanuary 2014
Zdravo!i real5 want learn bosnian, you can help me?
bluemy profile picture bluemyFebruary 2012
Hy. I'm from Slovenia and I'd like to learn Bosnian... maybe you can help me?! I can show you slovenian, if you want.