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Hi. I need help for my bengali. I can help with Italian, English and French. Please! Thank you.


johndino123 profile picture johndino123May 2016
Hey mate, I can too teach you Bengali as it's my native language too. May I know why do you want to learn Bengali? Anyways can we share our Skype Id's ? Mine is avishek.roy123
theodoragomes profile picture theodoragomesMarch 2019
I can help you in learning Bengali... Can you help me learn a little bit of French?
RIslam profile picture RIslamJuly 2016
Hi, i can teach u Bengali. If u help me in speaking english. thank you
RidwanurRahman100 profile picture RidwanurRahman100January 2016
brother I can help you to speak fluently in Bangali language.please conversate with me..
aditipayel1990 profile picture aditipayel1990December 2015
I'd like to help you with your Bengali. I'm a native Bengali speaker. And in return I'd like to learn Italian from you