👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 Japanese Language Practice Meetup + 英語初心者の英会話サークル, Wed, Mar 13, 2024, 6:40 PM ...

Event description

  • Data: Mar 13, 2024
  • Time: 18:40
  • Adresas: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

🌐 All Information is in the link below


* 日本語の案内は英語の案内の下にございます

👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 Japanese Language Practice Meetup
* Japanese language beginner is very welcomed
* You can join even if you can't speak Japanese at all
* Be sure to speak both English and Japanese

This is the best meetup for foreigners who want to practice the Japanese language and want to have an international exchange.

This meetup is for people who want to practice the Japanese language and Japanese people who are English beginners and want to practice English. Therefore, not only English but also Japanese can be used, so even those who cannot speak Japanese at all can join this meetup.

It is necessary to teach English while being able to learn Japanese.

This meetup is a small group of about 4 people at each table, and we change the seats regularly. Therefore, you can speak and talk with various people, so you can learn languages well and have international exchanges.

All the participants are friendly want to practice English or Japanese, and want to have an international exchange. Also, this meetup is a very cozy and safe environment, so you can relax and have a nice conversation.

Every day, we hold many international meetups. And it's perfect for making friends, so please join us.

☕️ Attention
- This meetup is for those who want to practice Japanese.
- The purpose is to learn Japanese from Japanese people and teach English to them.
- Be sure to speak both English and Japanese and do not use only English or only Japanese.
- You can not play board games at this meetup.
- If we judge that you are not suitable for the meetup, especially in language skills, you can not join.

☕️ Language Requirement

💡 To practice Japanese language
- Non-Japanese:
A daily conversational level of English skills
Those with native-level Japanese language skills can not join
- Japanese: N/A

💡 To practice English
- Non-Japanese: N/A
- Japanese: Beginner level only

☕️ Time Table
* Separate the languages spoken at the table
* You can speak both Japanese and English at the Japanese flag table

06:40 PM - Open
07:00 PM - 🥤 "English Only" or "Japanese Flag" (Separate table)
07:30 PM - 🥤 "English Only" or "Japanese Flag " (Separate table)
08:00 PM - 🥤 "English Only" or "Japanese Flag" (Separate table)
08:30 PM - 🥤 "English Only" or "Japanese Flag" (Separate table)
09:00 PM - 🥤 Free Time (You can speak any language)

10:00 PM - End (Mon-Thu)
11:00 PM - End (Fri-Sun, Holiday)
* 🥤 Change seats

☕️ Information

💡 Fees
Participation Fee: Free (Regardless of nationality or gender)
* One drink charge (from 500 JPY)
* Additional drink is from 300 JPY
* You can also order alcohol
* Light meal is from 200 JPY
* Cash only

💡 Participation
- Please check the ”About Meetups” and the "Rule Book" links below, and push the attend button on this page.
- Our meetup group is membership-based. You need to read, understand, and agree to the “Rule Book” to become our member.

✔️ About Meetups

✔️ Rule Book
- Flow, rules, and manners.


👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 英語初心者の英会話サークル
* 英語初心者(初級)のみ参加できます
* 英語が全く話せなくても参加できます
* 必ず英語も日本語もお話しください







☕️ ご注意
- 英語初心者(初級)で英語を練習したい日本人のための交流会です。
- 日本語を練習したい外国人と日本語と英語を教え合うのが目的です。
- 英語と日本語どちらもお話しいただき、英語だけや日本語だけにならないようご注意ください。
- この交流会ではボードゲームはプレイできません。
- 適さない(特に言語力について)と判断した場合、参加を遠慮いただく場合がございます。

☕️ 言語要件

💡 日本語を練習するための要件
- 外国人:
- 日本人: 不可
💡 英語を練習するための要件
- 外国人: 不可
- 日本人: 初心者 (初級) = IELTS 3.0、TOIEC 300、英検 3級以下

☕️ スケジュール
06:40 PM - オープン
07:00 PM - 英語初心者の英会話サークル
07:30 PM - 🥤 英語初心者の英会話サークル
08:00 PM - 🥤 英語初心者の英会話サークル
08:30 PM - 🥤 英語初心者の英会話サークル
09:00 PM - フリータイム

10:00 PM - 終了 (月-木)
11:00 PM - 終了 (金-日)
* 🥤 席替え

☕️ ご案内

💡 料金
参加料: 無料 (国籍、性別問わず、全ての方)
* ワンドリンク制 (500円から)
* 追加ドリンク 300円から
* お酒も注文可
* 軽食 200円から
* 現金のみ

💡 参加方法
- 下記リンクの『交流会について』と『ルールブック』をご確認のうえ、こちらのページの出席ボタンを押してください。
- 当交流会はメンバー制です。メンバーになるには”Rule Book”を読み、理解し、同意いただく必要がございます。

✔️ 交流会について

✔️ ルールブック
- 交流会の流れやルール、マナーについて記載しております。

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