Autumn Leaves in Yoro Park ~養老公園紅葉狩り~, Sun, Dec 10, 2023, 9:00 AM
Opis događanja

- Datum: Dec 10, 2023
- Vrijeme: 09:00
- Adresa: Adresa vidljiva polaznicima
Experience the mesmerizing beauty of autumn in Japan at the "Autumn Leaves in Yoro Park" event!
Join us, the Small World gang, as we embark on our annual trip to Yoro Park to witness the breathtaking koyo (autumn foliage) in all its glory.
Yoro Park is the perfect destination for this year's event, offering easy accessibility and a stunning waterfall as an added bonus 🙂
We will gather at Nagoya Station Gold Clock at 09:00 on Sunday, December 10, and make our way to Yoro Park together. If you prefer, you can also meet us directly at Yoro Park at a later time.
During lunchtime, we will enjoy a delightful bento picnic in the park. Alternatively, there are food stands available if you wish to purchase food on-site.
09:00 AM – Meeting at Nagoya Station in front of the Golden Clock
09:45 AM – Train to Ogaki (JR Tokaido ¥770)
11:06 AM – Train to Yoro (Yoro Tetsudo ¥420)
12:00 PM – Arrival at Yoro Park
To cover photography and other expenses, we kindly request a participation fee of ¥500.
Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the enchanting autumn ambiance of Yoro Park. We can't wait to see you there!
***Please note that the event will be canceled in the case of rain.***
Small Worldの仲間たちと一緒に、養老公園への毎年恒例の旅に出かけましょう。瑞々しい紅葉の美しさを堪能しましょう。
今年のイベントはアクセスが良く、見事な滝も楽しめる養老公園が最適です 🙂
09:00 AM - 名古屋駅金時計集合
09:45 AM - 名古屋駅 → 大垣駅 (JR東海道線 ¥770)
11:06 AM - 大垣駅 → 養老駅 (養老鉄道 ¥420)
12:00 PM - 養老公園到着

- vincent
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