Finding a Language Partner

Περιγραφή εκδήλωσης

  • Ημερομηνία: Aug 25, 2015
  • Χρόνος: 18:00
  • Διεύθυνση: Ορατή διεύθυνση για τους παρευρισκόμενους
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10
  • MAX number of attendees: 10
  • Aριθμό τηλεφώνου: 00989128501985

Tandem language learning is a method of language learning based on mutual language exchange between tandem partners (ideally each learner is a native speaker in the language the proponent wants to learn).

Basically both partners can meet in person (face-to-face Tandem) or learn by e-mail, phone or other media (eTandem, also distance Tandem). Learning is supported by various materials and methods: work sheets, textbooks or simply informal conversation. There are distinct and self-directed uses of the Tandem method which promote independent learning: Tandem partnership (two people, supported by counsellors) and binational Tandem (course for groups, organised by moderators). The classical style is that half the time is dedicated to one person, the other half to the other person. For example, a Portuguese and a German can talk half an hour in German and afterwards half an hour in Portuguese. The only condition for participation in self-directed Tandem is lower intermediate level (present perfect, sentences with two objects).

We want to get together and start to know each other better, and we are going to find someone as a language partner. Either for exchange language or learn a  specific language together.

If you want to participate please hit the button and then message me for more details.


In your message please introduce yourself, and indicate what language you speak and what language you want to find a partner for.

À bientôt



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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Narihiun profile picture NarihiunJuly 2019

Hallo , Leute Meine Mütterlicherseits ist persisch ober kann lch einbischen deutsch sprechen , lch suche ein guten Partner oder Partnerin. Können sie mir helfen?

mehrtash profile picture mehrtashMay 2019
My native languge is farsi but I wanna learn english and search for a good partner in this way
Makan profile picture MakanMarch 2018
Hallo.ich suche eine partnarin für deutsch chaten.
Khalilmakhdoumi profile picture KhalilmakhdoumiJanuary 2018
Hi I need a partner for deutsch language... Help me...