Iran - Polyglot Network

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Chào mừng Iran tới mạng lưới Polyglot

Welcome to Iran polyglot network

I hope you can learn different languages and find several friends here!



Niknaz profile picture NiknazAugust 2012
Is tnere any one here can help me to learn french?
shervin_bond profile picture shervin_bondJuly 2012
where are people? why is it so silent here?
  • Alimhm profile picture AlimhmJuly 2012
    راست می کی اینجا انکار هیجکس نیست. من اینجا بس دلم تنک ا........
pat profile picture patApril 2008
A friend wants to write a book about Gilaki language and culture of Iran. He needs help from someone who is familiar with this language. Any assistance appreciated!
Tạo sự kiện (Iran)

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