Chit Chat Polyglot Surabaya

Mô tả về sự kiện


indahespi profile picture indahespiDecember 2014
Hi, I can only speak English and Indonesia, but looking forward to learn German or Thai..
  • woktak profile picture woktakJanuary 2015
    yea, me too. i try to learn german. but my german is very very beginner. i think i will going there (altough i'm nnot live there).and see you there.
rahenda3 profile picture rahenda3January 2015
Hai,sejauh in yg akan datang berapa orang? 5 atau 8? maaf newbie hehehe

Salam kenal,aku rahenda,
bisa bicara bahasa indonesia inggris dan prancis.
evansw profile picture evanswDecember 2014
Gabung. Native language: Indonesian.
siswanto profile picture siswantoDecember 2014
Segera rapatkan barisan
Ade_DamartaDunia profile picture Ade_DamartaDuniaDecember 2014
Klo aku mau ikut gabung, gimana registnya?
rongkong78 profile picture rongkong78December 2014

Mau dong ikut pertemuan di Surabaya , bagaimana cara registrasi nya ?