An Invitation to explore Global Cultures!

Event description

  • Дата: Aug 12, 2007
  • Time: 19:30
  • Адрас: Address visible for attendees

Many things cannot be accomplished as an individual. It takes a group to create wonders that one man can't.

This meeting  will be a great start, an initiative

1. To  discuss  cultural exposures,

2. Langage learning endeavors, whereto and timeframes for learning a language

3. Create a centralized Opportunity Club for seekers and facilitators

4.  Form a  platform for counselling on learning and development

Eligible Age group:  18 +

Prior registration to the meeting is necessary. Write to me  indicating your convenience to meet on this date.

We look forward to joining hands

Warm regards,


Яны гавораць пра нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


multiglot profile picture multiglotJuly 2007

Excellent initiative,  Adi and "GreatPSP"! All the best for your Polyglot Meeting =) I deleted the conflicting 10 August Meeting.


vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007
Hi Adi,

Thanks for your proposal,

I have sent a email notification to the polyglot members from Tamil Nadu about 400 !

I am sure your meetings will be very fun : if not a lot of participants this time : more for the next one !

I suggest you to send out invitation like the one below on other forum in your area

Meeting subject: *An Invitation to explore Global Cultures!*

Dear Polyglot member,

If you want to go to a free Language Exchange Polyglot meeting in chennai, register here:

and also print the meeting flyer in language places around : FLYER HERE

By the way, is the other meeting the same ?

take care

