India - רשת פוליגלוט

!צור פגישה חדשה כאן
תקליד/י את העיר שלך:

ברוך הבא לרשת India של Polyglot!

India is the 7th largest country in the world having more than 1.24 billion population. A country with greatest diversity. A country where more than 500 languages are spoken in over 1800 dialects. A country with 22 official languages where each language has equal importance. India has 28 states and 7 union territories each of them is like a small country. Every state has its own languages, culture. India is a place where dialect changes at every 50km, a place where you see a difference in language and culture if you move from north to south and east to west. A place with strong unity in greatest diversity.


sandy_2826 profile picture sandy_2826March 2013
Hello friends....lets share our knowledge to enrich others. It would be a great pleasure for me to get in touch.
jeewan profile picture jeewanAugust 2013
hello all
Wangdue profile picture WangdueJanuary 2013
sonuG profile picture sonuGOctober 2012
jitub profile picture jitubOctober 2012
From The Distant Lands of Eastern Nation Where the Breeze is Full of Love and the Warmth of Relationship permeates the atmosphere, Hails a person who Salutes all the Intellectuals and Great Personalities Present in This Room.
Avsar profile picture AvsarAugust 2012

Wish you all "Happy Independence Day". Celebrates Freedom Day World,s largest democracy "INDIA". Celebrates 15  August.


!הם משוחחים עלינו

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