

How many languages are there in the world?

In this article we will give you some important statistics on languages spoken in the world.

Estimates of the number of extant languages range from 3000 to 7000. A majority of specialists agree on the figure of about 6000 languages.
- From 10 to 20 languages, extremely little practiced, would disappear every year.
- The most used mother tongue is Mandarin, far ahead of Spanish. See the latest statistics.
- English is the language that can be understood by the most people around the world.
- According to UN data, 1% of all languages are used for communication by 99% of humanity!

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sobiaanjum profile picture sobiaanjumOctober 2019

There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today. However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers.

The most popular language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. There are 1,213,000,000 people in the world that speak that language.

-miray- profile picture -miray-March 2020

there are about 7000 languages in the world

there are more than 2000languages in africa-1000in the americas-more than 2250in asia-about230 in europe -and more than 1300 in oceania
