Polyglot Marseille Mercredis - NOUVEAU LIEU: Chez Alain (anciennement FlashBack)

Description de l'évènement


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2019
À Ce soir !!
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2019
A mercredi
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2019
Hi, Polyglot friends,

Many thanks Rasa for your message and great pictures of the Polyglot Club event yesterday in Marseille !!

Thanks to all the Polyglot hosts who welcomed participants this summer!
In alphabetical order : Cevza, Cleida, Donia, Gürkan & Rasa.
Quote "Yesterday night, once again, we had a lovely International evening hold by Gürkan all in good mood and friendly conversations.

The best part is that we had quit abundant number of new people coming to discover our event and willing to be back! Such success!

It was a really good idea of Vincent’s to keep it run in summer time, just because all curious travellers are also enjoying taking part into! Free world round marketing spread, ha!

Here some pics, please don’t hesitate to shear theses on your Facebook, Instagram and even LinkedIn, to get people to know about!

Wishing you all the best

See you soon, "
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2019
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2019
À ce soir !!
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2019
À mercredi !!
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2019
Hola Polyglots, Environ 60 personnes ce soir mercredi 10 juillet !! Le record. Merci à Rasa d'avoir fait l'accueil ce soir. Merci à Cleida et Gürkan d'avoir été là les 2 derniers mercredis !! Prochaine soirée le 17 juillet : Donia vous accueillera. Pour ma part je serai de retour en août.
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2019
A ce soir !