Paris samedi 18/02 at 18h

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Feb 18, 2006
  • Heure: 18:00

Salut les polyglots!

Ça vous dit un meeting sur Paris le samedi 18/02  ?

Alors je vous invite chez moi pour un échange linguistique, culturel et culinaire (il y aura du couscous au menu)

J'habite à Ivry sur Seine, c'est très facile d'accès via ligne métro 7 ou RERC (et c'est à une minute de la station RER).

N'hésitez pas à ramener avec vous vos CD favoris, plat ou boisson. Ça serait encore mieux si c'est des spécialités locales.

Pouvez vous nous dire quelle boisson/nourriture vous allez emmener ??

Le meeting commencera à 18h.

Inscrivez vous à ce meeting (cliquer sur le bouton ENREGISTRER)  et je vous transmettrai mon adresse et mon téléphone.

Vous pouvez aussi laisser des commentaires ou suggérer des idées mais vous recevrez mes coordonnées seulement si vous vous enregistrez ...

Alors à bientôt les polyglot    !!

Hi polyglots!

Are you  interested to attend a polyglot meeting at Paris?

I welcome you in my apartment for a linguistic, cultural and culinary exchange (I'll prepare couscous)

I live in Ivry sur Seine, very easy to go there via métro ligne 7  or RER C (1minute walk from the RER station).

Do not hesitate to bring with you your favorite CD, dish or drink.  That would be still better if they are local specialties.

Could you tell us what  food/drinks you are going to bring    ??

The   meeting will start at 18h. 

REGISTER to this meeting (click on the REGISTER BUTTON) and I will send you my address and tel. number. 

See you soon !!!

You can also write comments or suggestions if you wish, but only if you register, you will receive the address ...

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ram profile picture ramFebruary 2006


Thank you all for your participation, it was very nice.

I regret just one thing, people left early, because they must take the last train to back home. What do you think about make petition to RATP/SNCF to   put one train under Polyglot provision

Hope see you next meeting? When, where ?

Here are Some photos :

patipiq profile picture patipiqFebruary 2006

I had a BLAST! Thx Ram for  the venue and the entertainment =) 

This gathering was a true delight. Exotic food,  fun people, interesting languages.

Can't wait to see y'all again ^.^ When is the next meeting??

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2006

Here are some of the pictures !


How is the couscous  ?

Smile !

Ni Hao ?

Can I tell you something ?

                        Smile (number 2)

      Is there some couscous left ??

            Something's going on ??


vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2006




Please don't hesitate to tell us how you found the meeting, so other members can have an idea of how much fun we had ...

To add the pictures : you have to decrease their size to less than 100 ko (to do that use a picture software and go to 'image size'), then add a new comment and at the bottom of the message, you can upload pictures ....

If you cannot do it, just send me a private message, i'll give you my personal email address.


Polyglottement votre

marycoquine profile picture marycoquineFebruary 2006
Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Hi everybody i will be happy to have the opportunity to meet all of you i think i really need to improve in my practise of english ....!! I will bring probably different kind of french cheese or something else if I have time of cooking ,but courage to taste.... !!See you on saturday Mary
ram profile picture ramFebruary 2006
salut les polyglot,

je viens juste de vous envoyer l'adresse et comment y accéder.
si quelqu'un a des questions ou n'a pas reçu l'email, contactez-moi.

Check your polyglot mail box, I send you the addie and how to get in.
if anyone not receive the mail or have question, send me Email


wyvern profile picture wyvernFebruary 2006
konbanwa mina'chan!  Ni hao!  hihihi...jf' will be back where he belongs to -) see you there all of you...with cakes and eggs and cheese and? (what I'll find in my ahead then!!!!!!) wan' an !!!!!
hellofriends profile picture hellofriendsFebruary 2006

merci, vous me invitez.

je voudrais aller chez vous mais j'ai pas le temps.

a la prochine.