Paris samedi 18/02 at 18h

Description de l'évènement


ram profile picture ramFebruary 2006

We will send you the addie and how to get in, Friday morning.

We try to group mailing operation.

patipiq profile picture patipiqFebruary 2006

I can't wait to see you all this Saturday. And to speak in tongues again! One thing, though, I still have not received Ram's addie. Waiting on a fill in...


tony2 profile picture tony2February 2006

Bonjour Vincent, je me suis bien inscrit à la soirée mais je n'ai pas reçu ton adresse. Est-ce normal? Désolé de devoir passer par les commentaires!

Tony2 06-77-15-23-62

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2006
i'll bring my guitar also
ram profile picture ramFebruary 2006


and all this during listening brazillian guitar ? what do you think Andre?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2006

I don't know if rhum and couscous get along very well but cake and rhum, i think so, good idea severine !!

severinefo profile picture severinefoFebruary 2006
Hi everybody, I will try to come and join you on Saturday, a long time ago I couldn't come. Have a nice end of week and see you on Saturday ! I'll bring a cake, is it all right ? Ciao Séverine
ram profile picture ramFebruary 2006

Hum, Humm, I never try  that........ but it seem so gooooooood.