Documentary show and debate

Event description

  • Күні: May 19, 2007
  • Time: 20:15
  • Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees

Documentary film " Dehors" (France, 2005, 59 mn) Director: Mathilde Mignon


" Mathilde Mignon suit trois adolescents (d'origines ethniques diffé rentes) sortis de prison en France, et en attente d'un procè s d'Assises à l'issue incertaine. Un dialogue fragile, parfois tendu, où l'angoisse et le doute  le disputent à l'imaginaire" .

The film will be followed by a debate with the director, Mathilde Mignon and possibly, some of the actors.

We'll be waiting at the exit of Metro Croix de Chavaux (line 9), Exit: Place du Marché ,  until 8:15pm SHARP! For those who come late, the screening will take place at:

Association Comme Vous Emoi
5 rue de la Ré volution, Montreuil
Mé tro: Coix de Chavaux (line 9), Exit: Place du Marché

See you there!

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