[ANNULÉ] Cours ANGLAIS JEUDIS (niveau intermédiaire à expérimenté)

Event description


  • pat profile picture patApril 2012
    Yeah, an election period is always a good time to reflect, flex your muscles, exercise your democratic rights and take risks : SOME ADVENTURE!
vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2012
A ce soir ! Il reste des places
pat profile picture patMarch 2012


THEMES à préparer pour le mardi 20 Mars 2012:
- SPORTS: your favorite sports activities (track and field, cross country skiing...)
- Names of geometrical SHAPES (square, triangle, circle...)
- Prepositions of PLACE: to give directions (top, bottom, left, right, above, below...)
bitterosweet profile picture bitterosweetMarch 2012
alors y'a combien de participant en total, how much participant registred for tuesday evening?
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2012
Prochain cours de conversation le mardi 6 mars à 19h