POLYGLOT PARTY II : New place & time

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentJune 2011

Inscrivez-vous au *WORLD POLYGLOT WEEKEND 2011 numéro 2* !
C'est officiel, le *WORLD FOOD CONTEST* annulé à cause du temps est reporté au Dimanche 3 juillet prochain !! La soirée qui a rassemblé plus de 400 personnes est également reconduite le samedi 2 juillet.

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2011

  Welcome  blackmanbig 

we'll ask around during the party and hope someone will offer you a home 

also use this page and check the "Can offer a home?" checkbox

blackmanbig profile picture blackmanbigMay 2011


i 'm living in bordeaux,i will in paris the next 4 saturday, 

after saturday   night i would like ask you HELP to sleep somewhere

i want to reset after saturday nihgt PLEASE

thank u

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2011

  Welcome everybody ! 

seebeyond profile picture seebeyondMay 2011

I am from Nigeria and I want to attend this party but who is going to invite me? If there is someone i will definately come

jamoula57 profile picture jamoula57May 2011

  good morning to every body,how i can come to the meeting,i'm Tunisian and   i live in Tunisia so i need visa   t o come to france, who will invite me to the meeting?i hope to hear from you soon. have a nice day

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2011

  Hello  farouc,

you come from Algeria ?! that's great !!

farouc profile picture faroucMay 2011


It is my pleasure to come  to  this meeting so we meet in  Saturday, 4 June 2011