Biggest Polyglot Weekend in Paris

Opis događanja

  • Datum: Jun 11, 2010
  • Vrijeme: 21:00
  • Adresa: Adresa vidljiva polaznicima

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Dear Polyglot member,

Polyglotclub members from all over the world are invited for the *Biggest Polyglot Weekend in Paris* from June 11 to June 13. We expect about 600 participants !!

This would be the perfect occasion to come to Paris, meet Polyglot members and compete for the *Biggest World Food Contest*: 1st prize = a TRIP to the destination of your choice !!!

Please, register to the following events:

Friday June 11 (evening):
Polyglot Party

Saturday June 12 (evening):
Language Exchange Meeting

Sunday June 13 (afternoon):
BIGGEST World Food Contest !!!!!!

Best regards,

The PolyglotClub team

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