Picnic - Parc de Choisy - 1st May

Event description

  • Dátum: May 01, 2006
  • Time: 13:00

Hi everybody  !  ! 

What about a Picnic English PLAC next  Monday 1st of May in Parc de Choisy  ?

PLAC stands for «  Polyglot LAnguage Class  ». The aim is to practice English with games. Only English will be allowed (French will be only allowed for single word definition). Visit other polyglot PLACs  ?

If the weather is nice (sunny or a few clouds) we will picnic outside in the Choisy park. Everybody can bring something to drink and/or eat. The appointment will be at 1 :00 pm in front of the giant screen (écran géant) movie theater just outside métro Place d'Italie. We will then go to the park. If you are late, the park is not very big, you will find us easily  : we'll find a place on the grass in the middle of the park. I will send you my mobile phone once you have registered. 

If the weather is bad (lots of clouds or rainny), we'll meet at the Biarritz café at 2:00 pm  (Biarritz Cafe, 111 rue de Tolbiac). Do not bring your picnic. How to go to the Biarritz Café  ?


75013 Le Parc de Choisy

Pour organiser votre pique-nique de larges pelouses sont ouvertes et les voitures sont assez éloignées. Des petits recoins sont possibles pour être tranquille.
Accès: Avenue de Choisy 75013
M° Place d'Italie ou Tolbiac

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patipiq profile picture patipiqMay 2006

Thank you ALL for coming and making this reunion so warm and friendly. And a special mention for Vincent-the-cook who went the extra-mile to gratify us with those wonderful, finger-licking, mouth-watering *cho-co-late*  cakes! Yummy!

Hope to see y'all very soon =)


rockpoetry profile picture rockpoetryApril 2006


Thanks - I will do my best to be there, because  I really love English -) see you

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006


Lundi, il  fera trop froid  !! donc on se retrouve dans le café Biarritz directement à 14h00

Monday  it's gonna be too cold!! we then meet at 2:00 pm in the Biarritz Café.



vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006


I have updated the subject of this meeting :

if it's sunny we picnic in the parc

if it's cloudy or raining we don't picnic and meet in the Biarritz café

I have sent you a email with my mobile phone

All the best,

patipiq profile picture patipiqApril 2006

To Adaska and Nagnette:

Congrats for your motivation and enthusiasm! Glad that we share the same passion for foreign languages and cultures... even on May 1st!

There are already 8 members (+ 3 guests)  registered for this gathering.  We can't wait to  meet you all  on Monday =) 

Everyone is welcome to these PLACs (Polyglot Language Class) regardless of  your  level (intermediate and above), age  or goals. All we ask is that you respect the basic rule of trying to speak ONLY in the target language. This being an English PLAC, we expect participants to TRY to uphold this essential condition, and  stick to  English. We  believe that total immersion is the best  way to acquire another vernacular.  Thus, French is only allowed for single-word definitions. And again, there  are many  ways to express the same idea, using verbal or non-verbal communication. So, use your imagination... and your hands.  Speaking a foreign  idiom  is a whole-body experience!

In case of rain, we will still be meeting at the address indicated above. Then, we will proceed to a dry, quiet  and comfortable  venue. 

Keep up the tongue work!

Adaska profile picture AdaskaApril 2006

Hi ^_^

Je n'ai que 17 ans et je n'ai pas un excellent niveau en anglais (c'est le cas de le dire... ^^'). Je peux tout de même venir? Ce ne sera pas trop gênant?

NAGNETTE profile picture NAGNETTEApril 2006

Merci Vincent d'avoir pensé, ainsi que tu me l'avais dit, à ceux qui ne peuvent se libérer le jeudi soir.

Mais :

- ne penses tu pas que la plupart des gens vont partir, compte tenu de ce week end  prolongé ?

- es-tu sûr que le Biarritz café sera ouvert un 1er mai ?

Moi même j'avais prévu d'aller m'aérer à la campagne mais si tu réussis à réunir assez de personnes, je viendrais : il faut vraiment que je travaille mon anglais !

A bientôt, j'espère


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006

If you come tonight for the "  Every Thursday meeting  " HERE , we will discuss about the picnic 

See you tonight or Monday …

Bye Bye,