Tous les MARDI - Apéro pont Solférino

Περιγραφή εκδήλωσης


Chalokun profile picture ChalokunAugust 2009

on this bridge whatever the weather may be as Vincent already said...

waisan-susan profile picture waisan-susanAugust 2009

helle everybody!

i'd like to know if  the meeting for  tomorrow thursday 20th will take place in this bridge or at beaubourg?



vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2009

Merdi octave d'avoir aussi proposé ton numéro! tu seras là mardi aussi ?

Chalokun profile picture ChalokunAugust 2009

OK I Guess it'll be fun C  U on the bridge then....

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2009

Meteo France says "weather OK" but the meeting will take place whatever the weather since we can protect from the rain!

ESSEC2008 profile picture ESSEC2008August 2009



I guess, It will be fun... I will c you tomorrow at 8pm





ESSEC2008 profile picture ESSEC2008August 2009


I will c you tomorrow at 8 pm...
