Soirée Polyglotte - Samedis - 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇷🇺 🇨🇳...

Event description


M-free profile picture M-freeJuly 2011

Hello!! I am a new member  in polygot club.

I have intermediate level of english. So, I want to improve my english speaking and listening.

I was registered  for polygot club  party to night ,

Is polygot party concerned only  persons who  have advanced  level of english ?!!!

Thank for andvance for your reply !!

vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2011

Samedi 16 juillet, 23 juillet et 30 juillet nouvelle soirée polyglotte au Wagg Club

Attention, le Wagg sera fermé pendant le mois d'août !

NB : En juillet,  il n'y aura pas d'organisateur PolyglotClub à l'acceuil pour la distribution des étiquettes  (pour cause de congé!)

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2011

Bienvenue Phyto pour ta première !

A ce soir tout le monde !!!! 

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2011

Après la participation exceptionnelle Samedi dernier (à l'occasion du WORLD POLYGLOT WEEKEND), une nouvelle soirée au Wagg ce samedi : Venez encore nombreux !!!

Eva27180 profile picture Eva27180May 2011

Merci! A ce soir!


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2011

  Welcome   backpacker 

you will meet many friends there (friends you do not know yet )

Pat will be there to welcome you at the entrance door



backpacker profile picture backpackerMay 2011

  Hi guys,

I'm Fouad, 30, french and I just come back after 10 months in New Zealand, I just want to speak English all the time and improve it every day !

I'll be in that amazing event  and I’ll there alone from Melun J

So if someone wants to meet me somewhere, it’ll be great !

Let me know,




pat profile picture patMay 2011

  Eva, this Saturday 28 May 2011, participation is FREE until 23h15 sharp! You do not need to print out any invitation, just register here and come as you are =)

See you there!