poliglote - Every Thursday - *No French Spoken* Meeting

Περιγραφή εκδήλωσης


multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006


Thursday 16 November is Beaujolais Night. We'll be tasting the "Beaujolais nouveau", fresh off the barrel! And the Biarritz Bar who kindly hosts our Thursday Meetings will offer the traditional matching cold cuts (sauce, saucisses, saussisson, saussettes et seau pour les estomacs fragiles -)

A feast for our busy tongues!

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2006

Hello everybody,

Just a little poll so I can see what advertizement method is more efficient :

How did you hear about Polyglot ??

Posters (where?)


Links from other Websites

(...) others

see you !!

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2006
Yes it was really great to see so many new people and from so many different origin! see you tomorrow !
multiglot profile picture multiglotOctober 2006

Oh MY! Last night (Thursday 5 Oct) was UN-believable! So many new, happy and friendly faces! I heard conversations in  at least  TEN different languages,  and it felt just like being on  a trip -) 

Thank  you all for the journey, and see you next week =) 

patipiq profile picture patipiqSeptember 2006

Kool, may the Polyglot community spread and sweep, and make Babel look like a picnic -)

So be it!

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2006


Rendez vous ce Jeudi ! Si ça continue, il n'y aura bientôt plus de place dans le café ...

Sinon, pour ceux qui aime le roller rendez vous vendredi pour participer à la rando roller. Enregistrez vous ICI.

A Jeudi et/ou vendredi !!


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2006

Merci à toutes et à tous d'être venus ce soir : c'était encore et comme d'habitude GENIAL !!! It was great as usual.

For those who are available here are the next two events for this week-end :

Picnic this Sunday  :


Concert gratuit ce soir  :
